100th post : Be a TallyHelper for Free

This is my 100th post in ApniTally. The scene before the start of ApniTally was like this. If you want to find help on Tally via internet then you would land on sites which were developed by those who are doing it for their business purpose. Or you would land on Tally’s own site, where there is no help on tally related problems.
There were few yahoo groups on Tally but not that much active. Only the members of those groups use to share their problems. Then way back two years ApniTally was started. Now the scene is different. ApniTally has tried to provide the user the platform where they can share their problems . Now ApniTally has more then 100 help articles which are top in search lists of most of Tally users.
One thing at this juncture I feel is that many questions related to Tally still go unanswered. Reason may be commercial reasons or my own time schedule etc. I try to answer most of the problems on mail but still what i feel is more help and more Tally Helpers are needed.

So here is the offer for all Tally Helpers. If you are ready to help in Tally around you, with or without money then fill this form to Be a TallyHelper for free and get in the list of Tally Helpers.
Mention your contact details, The price you want to charge, the area you can cover for Help.
Whether you are a pro or hobbiest the place is open for you free of cost for 30 days. Even after thirty days you can reenter the details again.